Driving the Digital Transformation agenda in PNG

Project: National Interoperability and Secure Data Exchange and Trust Platform
In 2022 PNG government is extremely ambitious in developing a government-led National Interoperability and Secure Data Exchange and Trust (NISDET) capability (platform) that draws the best international practices and digital society framework, one that is proven and matured, and equally important envisaged to promote digital trust and data privacy and protection through activation of public digital identification framework, that serves all; the public service, business, and citizens, enabled by policy and legal framework and data governance framework.
The interoperability and secured data sharing across all levels of government policy and enabling opening access and sharing of classified public data to citizens and business, for inclusive policymaking, social and economic participation.
This implementation is key as fundament construct of online or e-commerce driven economy, as this capability shall institutionalise digital identification service for the goverment, that in turn is anticipated to promote Open Data, Open Government, General Data Protection and Privacy in Papua New Guinea
Below is the Interoperability Secure Data Exchange and Trust framework PNG government is working on as key critical national infrastructure under its 2022 digital government program.

To know more technical details, download UXP Brochure.pdf and UXP White Paper.pdf
PNG signed a corporation agreement with Estonia Technology company Cybernetica on PNG sign agreement MoU for cooperation on Interoperability solution from Estonia
UXP the Interconnect Core Infrastructure
Project: GovStack e-goverment service development platform
Pioneering the GovStack partnership for Open ICT Solutions Building Block for accelerated e-goverment solutions development as “digital public good” product and support ICT innovation in Papua New Guinea ( more to follow)
GovStack Building Block strategy
GovStack as a partner to Digital Public Goods Alliance roadmap
Project: GIGA Connect-the-schools-to-internet
Pioneering the GIGA-Connect-The-School partnership initiative for improved Digital Skills and Literacy for young Papua New Guineans ( more to follow)
GIGA Connect the school as an ITU partnership project
GIGA project the global initiative
Project: The Open Government Partnership
Driving the Open Government Partnership project to improve transparency, accountability, participation and e-governance in Papua New Guinea

Learn more on Open Government Partnership initiative Open Government Partnership PNG’s committent as a member
New PNG National Government Open Government Partnership website under development Open Government Partnership initiative in PNG Supported by Department of Information Communication and Technology
Thank you for visiting and keep following for more updates of Papua New Guinea digital transformation journey 2022.
If you like to learnt more on any specific topics discussed here or if you have any specific questions, we will be happy to assist. Please drop a note on comment below.
Tetra Tech International Development is preparing a tender for a consultancy to undertake a technical due diligence and feasibility study for a BSS and Virtual Wallet solution for a pacific island government telco. I am wanting to discuss this opportunity with the appropriate T-net solutions person to gauge interest and capacity. Grateful if that person would give me a call to discuss. Thank you.
Dear Mr. Geoff McConnell.
Thank you for reaching out and the opportunity to connection. We have responded to you via email directly.